Superintendent's Office

20 Dean Street

Winslow, Maine 04901-5437

Tel: 207.872.1960

Fax: 207.859.2405

Message from the Superintendent

January 24, 2025

Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff, and Community Members,

On Monday, January 27, 2025 the Winslow School Board will hold the first of many meetings focused on the development of the 2025-2026 draft school budget.

The development of a school budget is a long process involving numerous meetings and conversations with key stakeholders. As always, the budget is developed with certain priorities in mind as a result of our analysis of student data (both academic and social-emotional). Over the course of the next few months, budget presentations will be held with the Winslow Board of Education. I have included a budget timeline (see below) in the event you would like to attend any of the meetings. The meetings will be held in the Winslow Jr./Sr. High School Library. They begin at 6:00pm. The meetings are open to the public, live streamed, and recorded for transparency and accessibility.

During the presentations, you will hear about our successes, student demographics, our goals and the rationale behind our request.

The presentations will feature a line by line accounting of the budget and will highlight the major cost drivers which include inflation, contractual obligations, unfunded state mandates, and negotiated labor increases.

I hope you are able to take advantage of attending some or all of our budget meetings either in person or virtually from the comfort of your home. The link to our budget meetings is:

Thank you in advance for taking the time out of your busy schedules to learn about the thinking that went into the preparation of this budget and the needs we are trying to address with our financial request in order to provide a quality education for our students.

Peter Thiboutot

Superintendent, Winslow Public Schools

Budget Timeline for Draft FY26 Budget

January 27th (Regular Board Meeting) Winslow Jr./Sr. High Media Center. 6:00 pm


Budget Development Process

Cost Center Presentations:


Winslow High School Budget Presentation (including Athletics and Maintenance)

Winslow High School Athletics

Winslow High School Maintenance

February 10th (Special budget Meeting) Winslow Jr./Sr. High Media Center. 6:00 pm

Cost Center Presentations

Technology Budget

Growth and Achievement Data Presentation

Winslow Elementary School Presentation (including Maintenance)

Winslow Elementary School Maintenance

Winslow Junior High School Presentation (including Athletics and Maintenance)

Winslow Junior High School Athletics

Winslow Junior High Maintenance

February 24th (Regular Board Meeting) Winslow Jr./Sr. High Media Center. 6:00 pm

Cost Center Presentations

Special Education Budget

Board & Central Office Budget

Health Services Budget 

English Language Learners ELL Budget

Alternative Education Budget

Certification Budget 

March 10th (Special Meeting if Needed)

1st Draft Summary/Revenue

March 13th (Budget Workshop with Town Council)

Winslow Town Library. 6:00 p.m.

March 24th (Regular Meeting) Winslow Jr./Sr. High Media Center. 6:00 pm

April 14th (Special Meeting if Needed) Winslow Jr./Sr. High Media Center. 6:00 pm

Place Holder

Place Holder

Superintendent of Schools
Peter Thiboutot -

Director of Special Education

Christine Schmidt - 

Director of Facilities

Cory Eisenhour-

Administrative Assistant to Superintendent

Brandy Huggins-

Director of Technology

Will Backman -

Finance Assistant

Amanda Rowbottom -

Curriculum Coordinator

Michelle Lake -